
Share Your Voice

Panegyria publishes articles, art and other posts relating to all types of Pagan practices in today’s world. From the practical aspects of the Sabbats, tools, rituals, and deities, to more esoteric and spiritual aspects of Paganism, articles submitted should be related to Pagan beliefs and practices, though exceptions can be made. We welcome all levels of writers and artists to submit content to Panegyria to have their voices heard and words read.

​Panegyria is sponsored by the Aquarian Tabernacle Church (ATC), a government-recognized Wiccan Church with affiliate congregations around the world. The ATC supports the preservation, search for, and dispersion of all pagan-related knowledge.

We ask that articles submitted to Panegyria follow these guidelines:

  1. We accept submissions for art, written articles, repeating columns, fiction, poetry, rituals, videos, recipes, and anything else pagan-related.

2.  Articles will be edited for content and clarity. Minor changes, including grammatical, spelling, or punctuation, may be done without the author’s review. Any changes, including changing words or the meaning, will always be done with the author’s review.

3. Works do not have to be themed for each Sabbat, but we welcome and encourage articles directly related to the Sabbats.

4. Individual articles should not be longer than 1,000 words, however series of related articles are encouraged.

5. Documents will be accepted in the form of .doc, .docx, .odt, .rtf, .txt, .pdf, .jpg, .gif, and .png. Videos and multimedia should be hosted on a third party website (such as youtube) and a link to the video sent.

6. Any pictures posted with your article must be sent with credits and links to the original site of where the photo was posted.

7.  Works should honor all religions or belief systems, no criticism direct, implied or intentional. Scholarly discussion is welcome within the context of the article, so long as the discussion is constructive and germane to the article.


If you wish to contribute weekly/monthly/sabbats/etc. columns, please contact us for more information.

Use of Pen Names

Panegyria happily honors the wish to publish posts under pen names. Please make it clear what name you would like the content to be published under so there is no confusion.

Submissions and questions can either be emailed to or submitted through the following form. Please note that a valid email is required in order for us to publish anything.

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